Childhood Tics

Tics are something I had never really had any experience with and always associated them with Tourette’s syndrome. I certainly didn’t think that the average young child could suddenly develop one.

My daughter has just turned six years old and she’s been experiencing symptoms of an anxiety related tic for around a year now. It started off as an “annoying” cough that she would constantly do. I’m sad to say that before I realised it was a cough I’d ask her to please keep quiet and stop making that sound. However, after a few weeks I quickly realised that this was some kind of involuntary noises she was making. So, I read up on it and discovered, to my surprise, that these random repetitive noises were actually a form of tic.

I also didn’t realise until I really read up on it that it’s actually incredibly common. Most children who develop a tic grow out of them, but when one goes away then new ones could follow. This is what we’ve found so far.

When I discovered that anxiety, change and stress could bring these tics on I felt sad for my baby. She’s been through so much in her six years. 5 house moves, not including the two with her dad, a parents divorce, mama’s new boyfriend and daddy’s new girlfriend, starting school, two new siblings, and lastly a new custody agreement that means she only gets to see me 50% of the time. I know the poor lamb struggles with this as she often gets upset when I drop her off at school. I spend time with her though as much as I can – we read together – she’s really coming along brilliantly with that! We play and we talk a lot about things.

We don’t mention the tic when it’s particular bad. I don’t think she realises she is doing it so the best thing to do is just ignore it! I was worried about children at school picking on her for it so I dropped her teacher a quick email just to go over a few things and get that reassurance.

I guess the most important way to support your child emotionally is just to be there. She knows she can always come to me with her worries and I’ll always listen to her.

We have a lot of humour in this house too though. We’re relaxed and playful and someone is always playing a prank or a joke on someone… usually I’m the butt of those jokes!

It’s really good to not take life so seriously and to allow the children to let go and just be silly children if they want to be. I’m hoping this attitude will soon lead to my daughter’s tic diminishing and ultimately stopping.

Does anyone else’s children have a tic? Have you found it easy or difficult to manage and ignore? Would love to hear from you!